Daily, Fanatical, Origin, Steam
Saldi 505 Games su Bundle Stars (13/10)
Star Wars Battlefront Ultimate Edition €4,98
Saldi The Sims 4 ed espansioni
Grim Dawn €7,49 (13/10)
Farabel €4,99 (17/10)
Duke Nukem Forever €4,99 (18/10)
Se possedete i due Torchlight su Steam potete aggiungerli gratuitamente alla vostra libreria GOG tramite GOG Connect (scade il 13/10)
Daily, Fanatical, Gamersgate, Steam
XCOM 2 €19,99 (Free Weekend)
Rainbow Six Siege €23,99
(Free Weekend)
Ashes of Singularity Escalation €19,99
Cossack 3 €9,99
Assetto Corsa €11,99
Assetto Corsa + Dream Packs €19,99
Assetto Corsa Porsche Season Pass €6,03
Saldi Rockstar Gaming su Steam
Motorsport Manager €11,89
Daily, Midweek, Steam, Weekend
Homeworld: Deserts of Kharak €15,63
GOD EATER 2 Rage Burst €17,00
Crypt of the NecroDancer €2,99
Franchise F1
Disc Jam €7,49
Battlerite €13,39
Antichamber €3,79
Duke Nukem Forever €2,99
Battlerite e Disc Jam disponibili in Free Weekend fino a domenica sera alle 22.
Daily, Midweek, Sotto i 5€, Steam
This War of Mine €3,80
Master of Orion €13,99
Serious Sam Franchise fino a -90%
Darkest Dungeon €9,19
ARMA Franchise
Geometry Dash €0,99
Neon Drive €2,99
Kopanito All-Stars Soccer €3,59
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth €5,09
The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth Complete €17,27
Seven Kingdoms 2 HD €3,99
Daily, Gamersgate, Humble Store, Steam
Rogue Legacy €3,37
METRO Redux Bundle €7,49
STALKER Collection £4.83 €5,50 circa
Inside €11,99
Limbo €1,99
Inside + Limbo €12,58
The Escapists €3,74
Deformers €17,49
Battle Dome €8,99
House of the Dying Sun €9,99
Project CARS GOTY €15,63
Questo weekend potrete provare gratuitamente ben TRE titoli: Deformers, Battle Dome e Mirage Arcane Warfare. Di quest’ultimo trovate anche la nostra recensione a questo LINK. Domenica sera alle 22 scadrà il periodo di prova e se vorrete continuare a giocarci dovrete acquistarli.
Daily, Fanatical Bundle, Midweek, Steam
Vanguard Bundle €2,69
SEGA Classic Pick Mix Bundle da €1,25
Broforce €3,49
Democracy 3 €5,74
Shadowgrounds Pack €1,49
NBA 2K17 €29,99
The Evil Within €9,99
Styx: Shards of Darkness €23,99 *
*Disponibile la demo su Steam
Daily, Gamersgate, Gamesplanet, Steam
Mark of the Ninja €2,99
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